Texas should make an effort to make higher education intuitions cheaper to attend to. A majority of students have to go to work to pay off their tuition which keeps them from losing focus on their education. A student shouldn't be required to have a job just to pay for school. Of course there is always the option of loans to take care of education where it stands however once school is up, you’re expected to make an overwhelming amount of payments. Why can't they make optional choice education as easy as required K-12 education to attend? Some families have a college fund that starts the year the baby is born.
I believe more students would be willing to attend college if the costs were driven lower. Some students have to place education aside because thousands of dollars add up to easily. Other students are limited to their choice of careers, never given the opportunity to finish their degree. I think its unfair how in order to have a well paid job you need a good education but to have an education, you need the money to pay for it. Texas would have much more of a work force if more students attended college. The government should really step in and provide more opportunities to the young adults. The more educated we are as a state, the better we can make the community and society.
Our Police
15 years ago
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